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Warehouse1 is a new industrial space located in Poble Nou. Its facilities cover 400 m² is distributed over three different areas, in addition to a garden patio located between the two main rooms. This venue has a lot of ambition hosting a plethora of events: clubbing, gastronomic events as well as art events. On the occasion of OFF WEEK, the label and artist management, distribution, publishing, events, agency WIP will organizes various events around Barcelona. It is known worldwide for being one of the top organizer of music events. On the 15th , 16th and 17th of June, WIP is going to invade ROC35 with its daytime events inviting some elite DJs. On the menu, we have artists such as Edu Imbernon, Doctor Dru, Shed, Pearson Sound, Mandar or Audio Werner.

Cómo llegar a Warehouse1

Carrer de Roc Boronat, 33, Barcelona, España


Carrer de Roc Boronat, 33