


Tech house



Foi em 1988 nas Escadinhas da Praia nº5 em Lisboa que nasceu uma das maiores referências noturnas de Portugal. Amado por muitos, detestado por outros, ninguém fica indiferente ao que esta casa produz. Neste recente ciclo da Kasa que se iniciou no verão de 2016, a nova estrutura reavivou o gigante adormecido. Por aqui tem passado os melhores artistas nacionais e internacionais e o Kremlin está de novo na sua melhor forma. Vamos continuar a fazer o que melhor sabemos, que passa por apostar na música de qualidade, ambiente festivo, familiar, onde se aglomeram os clientes, profissionais e amigos. Aqui, quando a noite se deita, aparece a magia no ar. Kremlin "The Place To Be" - It was in 1988 at Escadinhas da Praia nº5 in Lisbon that one of the biggest references in Portuguese nightlife was born. In the summer of 2016, the sleeping giant was revived. Once again it is where the best national and international artists have come to celebrate and show case their best music. We will continue to do what we know best, which involves betting on quality music, the ulrimate atmosphere, where clients, professionals and friends crowd together. Here is where magic happens! Kremlin "The Place To Be" - The dress code is casual, informal, carefree. There is no strict policy regarding the outfit, just be yourself and dress as comfortable as you feel. By downloading the Xceed app or visiting the website you can sign up for the guest list saving yourself a few minutes queuing at the entrance. Regarding the club opening times, Kremlin opens every weekend, Friday and Saturday nights. The sessions usually start around midnight and last until 6:00 in the morning. Through the guest list, you can access the club for the modest price of 8€. The payment will always be made at the box office, either by list or by conventional entry, in which case the price of the tickets can amount up to € 15.

Get directions to Kremlin

Escadinhas da Praia 5, Lisbon, Portugal


Escadinhas da Praia 5