Techno Therapy: Umek, Dub Tiger, Reset event coverTechno Therapy: Umek, Dub Tiger, Reset event cover
Sat, 5 Apr 2025 | 23:00 - 06:00

Techno Therapy: Umek, Dub Tiger, Reset



No Kremlin, temos o compromisso de elevar a qualidade de vida dos noctívagos com a nossa Techno Therapy.. ✙ A 5 de abril, recebemos a lenda viva, Umek. Prepara-te para uma noite de catarse sonora e libertação corporal! - At Kremlin, we’re dedicated to enhancing night owls' quality of life through our Techno Therapy. ✙ On April 5th, we welcome the living legend, Umek. Get ready for a night of sonic catharsis and bodily liberation!


Get directions to Kremlin

Escadinhas da Praia 5, Lisbon, Portugal

Techno Therapy: Umek, Dub Tiger, Reset
