Boiler Room at Girona’s archeological museum

October has now come to an end and it will finish with one of the most popular party: Halloween. This year, someone has had the brilliant idea of ​​making this outlandish night even more out of the ordinary. We are speaking about the team of one of the most popular electronic underground reality better known as Boiler Room. If you don’t know it, this music broadcasting platform was born in 2010 by two British inventors Blaise Bellville and Charles Drakeford. These two guys have made possible watching, hearing and enjoying the music of the world’s best electronic artists, with a simple click. Of course we are not here to tell you that these two guys were the pioneers and the absolute precursors of live music streaming, which already existed years before that Boiler Room was born. However, what makes this platform special and famous is its aura of exclusivity and its underground traits characteristic of each of its musical event. All this, has attracted the attention of many people, curious to know more about this particular musical concept reserved only to the few “elected”.

For the night of Halloween, the colossus of live music streaming has put together a deadly Line Up that will see artists such as the two Spanish stars S. Moreira and Dosem, who will open for one of Detroit’s techno-columns: Kenny Larkin. If you do not know this artist, it would be better for you to make up your lack instantly. Below, a super track that, just in its title, promises you only rhythm and movements (believe it or not, you just need the first 10 seconds to understand it).

To sum up, we have one of the main protagonists of the underground electronic scene, a line up featuring astonishing artists, we are only missing the venue; and why not choosing the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya in Girona? Yes, you got it. This year Boiler Room has organized a party inside the magnificent archaeological museum of the city that in the past welcomed the figure of the surrealist artist Salvador Dalí. The picture is now complete, and it seems that nothing has been left to chance.

It is very likely that, after reading this article, the event will be already sold out. Actually, the event has already been sold out since a long time, so well done soldier if you have been able to grab one of the tickets.

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