Kinki ClubKinki Club


Kinki Club


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Located at 20 meters from the Two Towers – symbol of Bologna, “the centre” par excellence – it's the oldest party-place in town. Since it started in 1958, as “Whisky a go-go”, Kinki opened up to a very mixed clientele becoming the one and only real Club in town. Young artists, musicians and comic designers - many of whom reached international status - who lived and worked in town used to spend their nights at Kinki. The Club is constantly mentioned on many books and on all the European magazines, and ranked as the best Italian club on the English Magazine ID. Its underground building structure, with minimalist furnishings, make it a club able to measure up to other important clubs all over Europe.

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Via Zamboni, 1, Bolonha, Italy

Kinki Club

Via Zamboni, 1