Invincible FestivalInvincible Festival


Invincible Festival

A l'aire lliure

2 seguidors


Invincible is a new multi-genre music festival format that brings together those who, despite the passing of time, continue to be there while remaining cool. A word that represents the Urban connotation of the Event. Invincible is aimed not only at those who have been living the Urban culture for decades, but also at all those young people who have recently entered it. The trait d'union of these two generations are the Invincibles, transversal characters that unite different generations. They are also joined by the 'new recruits' who have all the makings of Invincibles. This new format is dedicated to pure entertainment: Music, Food Truck, Beverage Companies and International Artists in a totally innovative context. In addition to a solid musical proposal, Invincible is committed to structuring a series of side activities and ancillary services to make the experience immersive for all participants.

Com arribar a Invincible Festival

Viale di Val Fiorita, 00144 Roma RM, Italy, Roma, Italy

Invincible Festival

Viale di Val Fiorita, 00144 Roma RM, Italy