Foto de Vincent NeumannFoto de Vincent Neumann


Vincent Neumann

0 seguidors


Psychotherapist by day, dj by night. I also run a small label called @unitas_multiplex. 10.2. Köln Helios37 23.2. Essen Goethebunker 24.2. Praha Ankali 7.3. Hamburg PAL 9.3. Chemnitz Transit 15.3. - 22.3. - 19.5. - 25.5. - booking: tim[at] "Putting mixes online without a tracklist is disrespectful to the artists who made the included tracks!" - Errorsmith Special thank you to Jens, Mario, Marc, Steffen, Gideon, Andi, Jan, Tim, Jelena and Tim for making most of this happen and believing in me.

Vincent Neumann