The wastewater analysis from EMCDDA grabbed data over 60 european cities results about the drug-taking habits from European people, giving a snapshot on drug flow through our cities and evolution through the time. The Institute collected five years of data trends which are calculated from an average mg / 1000 people / day.
Evolution of MDMA in Europe
Ecstasy aka molly aka MDMA is one of the most emerging drugs in Europe. It appears in late 2000 decade, as a second wave after ecstasy strike on 90s rave era. The consumption went wild during the last 5 years and the wastewater analysis reveals numbers that will blow your mind.
Molly has increased during the past years. The biggest consumers were in 2011 located in Amsterdam, (NL), with an average of 77.2 mg / 1000 people / day, followed by Eindhoven (NL), Antwerp (BE) and London (UK).
“1 person out of 100 used MDMA on a daily basis at Amsterdam, Netherlands in 2015”
The highest peaks took place in 2012 in Utrecht (NL) and 2015 in Amsterdam, with averages of 161,9 and 166,2, which represents 1 person out of 100 who were taking a normal use of MDMA (0,2g) per day on a 1000 people sample. In 2016, the center of molly consumption was Eindhoven with 125,7 mg / 1000 people / day.
MDMA is mostly a drug related to parties. Said this, the analysis revealed a peak of use on Sundays, and probably early morning when most parties end and after parties begin but some surprising facts revealed that some cities are consuming more MDMA on weekdays than weekends (Castellon, Spain – 6,8 vs 5,3).
“1 person out of 80 use MDMA on weekends in Olso”
In 2016, on the weekdays, the big winner is Eindhoven, Netherlands with an average of about 105,5 mg / 1000 people / day, which in other terms means that for a 0,2g average quantity consumed, 1 person out of 200 take MDMA on weekdays while on the weekends, the winner city is located in Norway, and it’s the capital Oslo which count the most MDMA users on weekends with an average of 143,2 that give the incredible number of 1 person out of 16 use MDMA on weekends.
Evolution of Cocaine in Europe
You all know cocaine. Coming from South America, its consumption had always been crazy, and mostly in the late 80s and the beginning of the 90s. However, during the last 5 years the white powder made his come back, associated with MDMA and amphetamines. Here are the results, which are calculated from an average mg / 1000 people / day.
Cocaine has increased during the past few years, even if the trends are unstable. The biggest consumers were in 2011 located in Antwerp (BE), with an average of 721.2 mg / 1000 people / day, followed by Amsterdam (NL), Eindhoven (NL) and Barcelona (ES).
The highest peaks took place in 2015 in London and 2016 in Amsterdam, with averages of 909,4 and 914,8 on a 1000 people sample per day. The top 4 cities on the 2011-2016 timeframe are Antwerp, London, Amsterdam and Zurich.
Cocaine, contrary to MDMA, in not a drug only related to parties. Said this, the analysis revealed a peak of use on Sundays, and probably early morning when most parties end and after parties begin, but contrary to the MDMA, Cocaine usage is always higher on weekends than weekdays.
“1 person out of 100 use cocaine on weekends in Antwerp”
In 2016, on the weekdays, the big winner is Antwerp (BE) with an average of about 790mg / 1000 people / day, which in other terms means that for a 1g average quantity consumed, 1 person out of 120 take cocaine on weekdays while on the weekends. Antwerp counts the most cocaine users on weekends with an average of 1042 that give the incredible number of 1 person out of 100 use cocaine on weekends.