8 reasons why you should go to Burning Man Festival this year

Each year and since 1986, the Burning Man Festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada. People from all around the world want to be a part of the art – the whole Burning Man is known to be a genuine art scene.

Two years ago, I’ve finally decided to head up to the festival. Yeah, I was more than curious to know what the so-called ‘burners’ meant when telling me that the BM is ‘beyond reality’, something ‘you have to live to understand’ – that kind of sentences that use to tense me up a little.

But guys, the truth is that it is genuinely almost impossible to put this into words. But I’m gonna try to give you a little taste of what it’s like. Here are 8 info/tips to get the most the greatest exuberant festival on earth.

  • You’ll be part of a giving economy

The only thing you will be need to pack before going to BM is cash – commercialism is hated you will never see sponsorship or branding and that feels goooood. Outside ice and coffee, all items are based on gifting – yes everything! Another point will be that in order to get into the burning fam you’ll need to bring something, material or not. The question of what to bring became a real nightmare for me during preparation. But whether you’re giving away shitty bracelets (like me), beignets or free hugs the point is to make people feel good.

Pro tip: Leave your cynicism outside the door, every single little attention matter.

  • You’ll get a spiritual experience with the Burn 

The premise of Burning Man is that the city is built then broken and burned at the end of the festival as a statement about impermanence; it’s all about the ‘leave no trace’ philosophy. It’s the idea of coming and going like a breeze, which perfectly underlines the feeling of freedom you’re experiencing at BM. The structure of the Man (burned at the very end) is different each year but the atmosphere is always surreal. Watching the ceremonial burn is probably the most blow minding scene I’ve ever attended.

  • It’s more than a regular music festival

Burning Man does not have resident DJs, it is not regarded as a simple (music) festival. The idea behind the Burning Man concept is different than any other festival in the world. What I mean by that is that at regular festivals you are waiting for things to happen, waiting for sets, basically waiting to be entertained. At BM you and everyone are making things happen, your ultimate goal is to entertain. DJs and burners are all part of a big family, that what makes it magic. Literally had the time of my life at the Robot Heart which is a double-decker bus with an insane sound system. Got some serious powerful emotions. Here’s below Atish’s set, most electrifying set on hearth I reckon …

Other popular music camps will be Distrikt (day time), Camp Question Mark and White Ocean.

  • You’ll meet with alienated characters

Everyone at Burning Man is an individual, you might get to see celebrities, but unlike hipster-shitty-look-at-me festivals like Coachella, no one cares who you are or where you’re coming from. Every single people seems to be from another planet but the same one. Mad Max style. All burners are eccentric, unique, extraordinary and bizarre. There, you want to dress up with something as loud and ridiculous as you couldn’t even think – your mission would be to dare to differ. If you don’t you ‘ll look silly.

Pro tip: Bring goggles– more than making you looking cool they will protect your eyes from wind and dust.

  • You’ll explore

The site is insanely huge. You won’t be able to see and absorb everything from the BM. But give it a try! With over 5½ square miles in a 97,000-square-mile desert you will need a bike to get around. What can be a daily program? Well, it goes from events in camps, all kind of workshops, yoga and meditation classes, to orgies or group masturbation plus events such as the “Tutu Tuesday” or the “Ass stamp camp”, the list goes on…

Pro tip: You’ve been warned, so to see everything open your eyes, minds and hearts

  • It’s a scene of art 

Burning Man is full of creative people; driven by their passion they are working for months to build insane installations that will be existing only for a week. A museum in the desert. It is incredibly beautiful and will surely take your breath away.

  • It’s a path to the stars…

Some of you might think Burning Man is heaven for hippies, that it’s only about walking around naked, peace and love style. Well yeah kind of, but there are plenty of crazy activities you’d never experience if it wasn’t here. For instance, you have the unique opportunity to observe the rings of Saturn, Jupiter’s moon, galaxies… The observatory inaugurated in 2014 includes two 21-foor domes and 20-inch telescope. Well yeah, Burning Man literally makes you reach the stars…

Pro tip: Don’t miss it

  • You’ll experience love at its very best 

You will get so much from Burning Man – meet, experience, see, learn… It’s so more than you’re expecting. However, let me warn you about something, it is an adventure! Sometimes challenging. Lack of sleep, over-heating, wind and dust can be hard at some point. But remember, at Burning Man Love is always around the corner making it the best place in world.

Ticket sales start on Wednesday 1st of March! You can get a ticket for $425. Will you go?

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