Picture of SkönePicture of Sköne





le 2nd kick est toujours le plus énervé ? booking : booking@pandemic-events.com ⛅️ autres choses : @skoneminutiae ________ prochaines dates : par le passé : 01/02/20 Tekno Conspiracy / Area 40 14/02/20 Freaky Beats Acid Party / Paris 75 07/03/20 Tekno Invasion / Angoulême 16 22/08/20 Festival des Peuples Liés / Pluméliau 56 18/10/20 Collectif 303 / Area 79 05/06/21 L'ouverture d'esprit / Area 30 19/06/21 Underground is the Source / Area 63 26/06/21 Back to the Rave / Area 34 03/07/21 Festi'Klana 30 ans / Saint-Pierre-de-Plesguen 35 10/07/21 Rougel'fest / Chaumont-sur-Tharonne 41 16/07/21 Fract'attack 1.0 / Area 48 17/07/21 La Guinguetterie #1 / Area 83 31/07/21 La nuit des meutes / Area 34 06/08/21 Freaky Beats Acid Party / Paris 75 07/08/21 La Rouge / La Teste-de-Buch 33 14/08/21 Birthday Party / Area 24 21/08/21 Embuscade / Saint-Aunès 34 04/09/21 Bass Attack #1 / Perpignan 66 10/09/21 La 5ème Rave / Area ?? 11/09/21 La Druiderie / Area ?? 24/09/21 Acid Madness / Montpellier 34 25/09/21 Freaky Beats Hard Party / Paris 75 08/10/21 Sensory #12 / Strasbourg 67 16/10/21 La tribu mystique / Fribourg ?? 29/10/21 PUN¡SHER Acte II / Area IDF 01/11/21 FCKG After / Montpellier 34 13/11/21 Sui6D Collectif / Area 83 19/11/21 Nightmares ☾ / Grenoble 38 20/11/21 Winter Festi'Klana / Monterblanc 56 27/11/21 Devasted / Rouen 76 04/12/21 Acidcore / Bordeaux 33 22/01/22 Diablerie 2 / Area 83 25/02/22 Nik Ta Rave / Montpellier 34 12/03/22 Elle est où la core / Area ?? 19/03/22 We Are Rave / Paris 75 26/03/22 Abyssal Pressure / Bordeaux 69 02/04/22 DELiRiUM #22 / Lyon 69 08/04/22 Resurrection #4 Space / Paris 75 17/04/22 Sensory #22 / Strasbourg 67 25/05/22 Satellite / Lausanne ?? 28/05/22 Scène aux vices / Genève ?? 03/06/22 Nightmares #3 / Tours 37 04/06/22 KORfest / زغوان ?? 10/06/22 Chronicle 2022 / Toulouse 31 11/06/22 OSHO# Awards / Paris 75 25/06/22 Koh-Lantek / Paris 75 01/07/22 MTP Gang / Montpellier 34 16/07/22 Le jardin secret de Platurne / Tourette-Levens 06 22/07/22 Sensory #27 / Strasbourg 67 23/07/22 Coliseum / Paris 75 12/08/22 Insane Festival / Apt 84 27/08/22 The End of the World Festival / Mollerussa ?? 02/09/22 Acidcore / Bordeaux 33 24/09/22 Le Wanski & friends / Strasbourg 67 07/10/22 Pandemic / Nantes 44 08/10/22 Fract'attack 2.0 / Area 48 10/10/22 Acid Addiction / Mataró ?? 14/10/22 Stimular III / Ghent ?? 28/10/22 Nik Ta Rave / Montpellier 34 31/10/22 F*CKG Halloween / Lyon 69 12/11/22 Alien Party / Clermont-Ferrand 63 18/11/22 La Capsule Birthday Party / Lausanne ?? 26/11/22 Fugitif invite : Sköne & El Desperado / Nîmes 30 10/12/22 Pandemic / Toulouse 31 16/12/22 Resurrection [Cyberpunk] / Paris 75 17/12/22 Acidcore / Bordeaux 33 31/12/22 Happy New Year / Nîmes 30 31/12/22 FCKNYE Lyon / Lyon 69 21/01/23 Vienn-A-Tek Invites Sköne / Vienna ?? 03/02/23 Euphoria / Lyon 69 08/02/23 Don't Stop the Music / Bogotá ?? 11/02/23 TekNivorE VII / Vevey ?? 24/02/23 Toxik Parties / Mataró ?? 02/03/23 Sensory Spectrum / Muscat ?? 03/03/23 Nik Ta Rave #3 / Montpellier 34 04/03/23 Coliseum IV - The New Era / Paris 75 10/03/23 Pandemic / Nantes 44 11/03/23 Pandemic / Bordeaux 33 18/03/23 KOR / ‎الجديدة ?? 23/03/23 Polytechnique / Tours 37 24/03/23 Tek Wars 3 / Antwerpen ?? 14/04/23 Pandemic / Avignon 84 15/04/23 Wave #6 : The Carrick Show / Paris 75 22/04/23 Illusion / Grenoble 38 06/05/23 Acidelics 360 / Ghent ?? 13/05/23 Bass in The Park / Montmeló ?? 20/05/23 Trashkids / Frankfurt ?? 26/05/23 Millésime Festival / La Réole 33 27/05/23 Ravolution / Neuchâtel ?? 03/06/23 Festival Fest'Ouazé / Mouazé 35 09/06/23 Moontrip / Paris 75 10/06/23 Chronicle / Béziers 34 17/06/23 Prohibition / Montréal ?? 23/06/23 Purple Project / Nantes 44 24/06/23 Strange / Strasbourg 67 01/07/23 Tramunfest / Girona ?? 13/07/23 MTP Gang / Montpellier 34 21/07/23 Val des Skrouf #7 / Toul 54 22/07/23 Collision / Vallauris 06 29/07/23 Eskape Festival / Montilly-sur-Noireau 61 12/08/23 Insane Fesitval / Apt 84 18/08/23 Spirits Festival / Embrun 05 19/08/23 Bass Forest Festival / Tubre ?? 25/08/23 Microscop Festival / Saint-Thual 35 26/08/23 The End of The World Festival / Mollerussa ?? 27/08/23 Korfest 2 / Bizerte ?? 15/09/23 Dream Nation Festival / Villepinte 93 06/10/23 Pandemic / Toulouse 34 07/10/23 Contre-Courant / Verdun 55 13/10/23 Acidcore / Bordeaux 33 20/10/23 Pandemic / Nantes 44 21/10/23 Teknodrome / Vienna ?? 31/10/23 Chill2Chill Halloween Festival / Liège ?? 03/11/23 Jouissance / Geville 55 04/11/23 Darkness / Nîmes 30 10/11/23 Nuit Libre / Lille 59 11/11/23 Undercore Fullcore 3 / Meaux 77 17/11/23 Techsound Festival / Bogota ?? 11/11/23 Don't Stop the Music / Bogota ?? 01/12/23 Cosmos (Cumpleaños Yenny) / Calama ?? 02/12/23 Purgatorio Vol. 2 / Antofagasta ?? 08/12/23 El Hangar del Panda / Santiago du Chili ?? 09/12/23 Desfase / Temuco ?? 31/12/23 FCKNYE / Bruxelles ?? 05/01/24 Groove Experience #5 / Rouen 76 12/01/24 Undercore Le Zoo / Paris 75 20/01/24 (s.) Jungle Core / Parma ?? 26/01/24 Strange / Strasbourg 67 27/01/24 (s.) TekN'Bass 011 / Liège ?? ________ ? duo avec @eldesperadoofficiel sur @coetxist
