I Went to a Job Interview at Xceed and Ended Up 400kms Away, DJing for 2000 People



Have you ever heard the saying, “Those who don’t take risks, don’t drink champagne”? I have, but I never expected that a job interview would change the way of my life. But destiny had different plans for me.

It was a seemingly normal Friday, a day like any other. I woke up, drank my coffee, smoked a cigarette and did a couple of things with music…just a typical day for me. The only non-standard plan was to have an interview with Xceed. I went to their office for a promo job they had advertised and I was excited to see what they had to offer.

When I arrived I found that it was not a typical office, starting from the point that everyone was smiling, and it’s not very normal in these kind of jobs to see that (as we all know…) I saw that they had a mixer on a table and thought “who has that in an office?!” Anyways, when I went inside, I meet a young guy who seems very serious and professional. He asked me typical things like, ”tell me about yourself” and some other questions which people always ask in these kinds of meetings.

pool party

After the interview, we started to talk about music – my true passion, and about different styles of music. I couldn’t imagine that my adventure would begin here…that this conversation would change my life…

After talking just 20 minutes he said: “We have a pool-party in Gandia tomorrow, you have 40 minutes to decide if you come with us and play there.”

What…is happening here? Were the only words I had in my mind as I tried to concentrate. This was the moment that the people call ”chance”, and I was not ready for it. I had 40 minutes to do everything… and it takes 20 minutes to go home…Damn.

I left the office and started to move fast, even running. In my mind I just had the words, ”yes, of course I want this. Murphy, don’t kick me in the ass today!” Time was moving fast…and I wasn’t really sure of what the hell I was doing… 400km away from home, and going with people I met 1 hour ago…but the whole time I had the same word in my mind: Risk.

I arrived back on time and the whole team was happy to see me… I couldn’t understand why I was doing this, but one of the team told me, ”this is Xceed, Risk”. That same word which would follow me the whole time was there, in all of them, and in me too.

In the car, I knew that in the party would be 2000 people and I will be playing for them. How did I feel? Excited. I understood that I did something good coming here, and now it’s the time to show them what I can do.

To be an Xceeder is more than going to party, it’s living the party and having nights which you won’t ever forget.

All I can say is that if that was my interview, I don’t know what to expect on the job – Fuck

But one thing I do know is that it pays to #RISK.

-Snow Sounds.

Follow Snow Sounds:



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