
What Not To Do When Going Out In A New City

By Kayla

June 09, 2016

Travelling is great. And one of the most exciting parts of an adventure can be the act of getting to know new cities via the inside of bars and clubs. Sometimes these adventures go well, sometimes you run into trouble. Either way, you end up with a story to tell to your friends back at home. But here we have created some guidelines for what not to do when going out drinking in an unfamiliar city to help you get the best out of your nights.

Don’t: Get Sloppy

This applies especially when you are staying in a hostel. Easy access to cheap drinks and 50 new friends with no jobs or responsibilities to egg you on makes getting drunk inevitable. But pace yourself. You’re not going to see much of the city if you’re already vomiting at 9 pm.

Don’t: Get Lost

You’re going to be confused enough from all the drinking, so finding you way home in a strange city can be quite the challenge. Tip: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR ADDRESS. The best option is to memorize it, because you never know what drunk-you is going to lose/get stolen while out on the town. As long as you know where you live, you can take a cab. But minus an address + foreign language ability and you my friend are in for a night of aimless wandering/crying/getting kidnapped.

Don’t: Be Caught In The Tourist Traps

This applies mainly to large cities. Watch out, they’re coming for you. The street promoters, Trip Advisor, even the receptionist at your hostel.  Not only will the clubs they recommend likely be less than incredible, they’re also likely to be more expensive. Do your own research or ask a local to minimize the risk of ending up in a place that didn’t deserve you traveling halfway across the planet for.

Photo credit: koni_aiko via Visualhunt / CC BY

Don’t: Be An Asshole

You’re a guest in this new and exciting environment, treat it as such. Learn a few words in the local dialect. Please and thank you are the most helpful, followed by: can I have a beer? Starting fights in a new city is also inadvisable, and try to leave your well-informed (I’m sure) political opinions at home. You’re here to make friends, remember?

Don’t: Miss Out On Local Specialties

This is what travelling is all about. Sure, that bottle of unidentifiable liquid with a dead snake inside (that may or may not be illegal in 50+ countries) may look like a bad idea, but hey, you only live once right? Take this opportunity to break out of your cocktail comfort zone.

Don’t: Die

If you’re going to take one piece of advice seriously from this article, make it this one. Get as sloppy as you want and act like an asshole in the worst nightclub you can find, drink nothing but vodka redbull and get lost on your way home. Just don’t die.

Have a great trip!