
Radiohead released video of full Coachella set

By Lucia Greco

July 10, 2017

Watch the stream of Radiohead’s sets at Coachella 2017 for free.

Radiohead have just released the official footage of their 2-hour set at Coachella Music Festival, specifically recorded on April 21, on their website wwww.radiohead.tv and on their Youtube channel.


The video of their second concert at Coachella can be easily found on their Youtube channel and, according to the Tweet announcing the live, this video is just the first of a series of shows available online as more concert videos will be uploaded in the near future.

The first set of Radiohead at the Californian Coachella Festival, on April 14, had been interrupted due to some technical problems that forced the band to leave the stage twice within the first seven songs on their set, ‘Fucking aliens again’, commented Thom Yorke.

Here is the Radiohead Setlist of the concert at Coachella,

Daydreaming Desert Island Disk Ful Stop 15 Step Myxomatosis Lucky All I Need Pyramid Song Everything In Its Right Place Bloom Identikit My Iron Lung The Gloaming I Might Be Wrong Bodysnatchers Exit Music (For A Film) Reckoner No Surprises Paranoid Android Fake Plastic Trees Lotus Flower Idioteque