October 2019 in Barcelona: the 10 best electronic music parties

A bomb month: Richie Hawtin, Damian Lazarus, Brodinski, Ellen Allien, Dengue Dengue Dengue, Apollonia… These names speak for themselves. This is how Barcelona does it

This is the typical introductory paragraph in which, sometimes, we don’t even know what to write. “Barcelona is on top”, “Barcelona, once again, is a reference on the European scene”, “the clubs of Barcelona seem to have agreed”, etc., etc., etc. It happens month after month. Almost without exception. There is no longer the high season, nor the break season. In fact, the month of November is already taking shape in some clubs and it looks like it will be even better than this October. It’s impressive. But let’s go by turns. These are the 10 best electronic music parties of October in Barcelona. Choose and enjoy!


10. Dekmantel Soundsystem (5h set) and more @ Intimate Journeys (Sala 3 – Razzmatazz)

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Dekmantel Soundsystem is the duo formed by Casper Tielrooij and Thomas Martojo. As their name suggests, they are the instigators of the Dekmantel festival and everything that is born there, such as their sessions, mixes and productions on the label of the same name. We are talking about a world reference of clubbing, quality dance music and top-level vibes. Having its creators so close (Razzmatazz’s Sala 3, also known as Lolita) during a sound journey of 5 hours (10 pm to 3 am) is a privilege. A date with Razzmatazz’s Journeys series not to be missed.

When: Saturday, October 26th
Where: Sala 3 – Razzmatazz
Lineup: Dekmantel Soundsystem, Abu Sou and Rubbio



9. Ellen Allien and more @ Nitsa Club (Sala Apolo)

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One of the greatest stars of the techno genre returns to her favourite club in Barcelona: Nitsa. The upper room of Apolo will dance to the rhythm of the alien acid of the German Ellen Allien, owner of the BPitch Control team and one of the veterans of the scene. Veteran, but still sounding young and fresh. The last example is her remix of Loco Dice’s “We’re Alive”. Ellen Allien never fails. Also, that same night, in Astin (the lower room of Nitsa Club), we will have a DJ set from Jungle.

When: Saturday, October 26th
Where: Sala Apolo
Lineup: Ellen Allien, Jungle, DJ Fra and DJ Coco



8. Jonas Kopp and more @ Astra Space Travel (Secret Location)

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As usual, Astra Space Travel summons us on important nights to dance at extended hours, in industrial environments and to the rhythm of battle music. One of the most consolidated raves of the Barcelona scene will invade our minds for more than 12 hours in a secret location, with Jonas Kopp heading the line-up and a large cast of DJs based in the city and regular in Astra as in the rest of techno and rave proposals in the area: Annie Hall, Manu Lito, PØLI, Neiland, Dhanimal, Lorenzo Raganzini and Anika Kunst are some of the biggest examples. In Astra Space Travel, (almost) anything is allowed. There are no prejudices. There are no behaviours to follow. Techno joins real freedom. Do you dare?

When: Thursday, October 31st
Where: Secret Location
Lineup: Jonas Kopp, Anika Kunst, Annie Hall, Arildo, Asymptote, Audiolux, Dark Matter, Dhanimal, Lorenzo Raganzini, Manu Lito, Neiland, NVA and PØLI



7. Apollonia and more @ Sight (Pacha Barcelona)

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They never fail. Never. Every year that passes, they get closer to a not excessively accelerated microhouse. Every year that passes, they are more underground, they project a more personal style and, in short, they consolidate (more if possible) as one of the great MUST of the European clubbing movement. They have toured all over the world, either together or separately. To see them on a DJ booth means to witness a complete improvisation. Dan Ghenacia, Shonky and Dyed Soundorom browse their library, search for records, try them out and, with laughter, deliver pearl after pearl to audiences who enjoy hour after hour with them. A word of advice: don’t miss this date with Apollonia in Pacha. Few nights will be funnier than this one.

When: Friday, October 18th
Where: Pacha Barcelona
Lineup: Apollonia and Caal



6. Secret Guest, Raxon and more @ Unannounced by Raxon (INPUT High Fidelity Dance Club)

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You may wonder (perhaps) what’s the point of including in the Top-10 a party whose headliner will not be announced. Well, simply, its previous gigs. Several months ago, the Egyptian Raxon inaugurated a monthly residence at INPUT in which there would always be a secret headliner. On the first date, The Drifter and Kevin de Vries appeared. On the second, Maceo Plex. On the third, Pachanga Boys. Raxon is a proven melodic techno producer and his contacts agenda is extensive and, so to speak, very VIP. Who will come to the fourth Unannounced? We have no idea. What we do know is that whoever is attending, will not regret it.

When: Friday, October 25th
Where: INPUT High Fidelity Dance Club
Lineup: Secret Guest, Raxon and Hitch



5. Dengue Dengue Dengue, DJ Seinfeld and more @ Nitsa Club (Sala Apolo)

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Awesome line-up. The Peruvian duo Dengue Dengue Dengue comes finally back to Barcelona so that we can relive that audiovisual live of downtempo ethnic music that made us fall in love at the Sónar Village in July. Along with them, there will be another duet with which we already vibrated in MUTEK, the one formed by Mina & Bryte. The third live show of the night will be in charge of Branko. Meanwhile, at Astin, another guy who smashed it at Sónar, the Swedish DJ Seinfeld, will continue delivering bombs based on breakbeat, dark disco, acid house and… whatever he wants that day. Definitely, a night for open minds.

When: Friday, October 25th
Where: Sala Apolo
Lineup: Dengue Dengue Dengue, Mina & Bryte, Branko, DJ Seinfeld, Prospa and JMII



4. Freddy K, P.E.A.R.L., Under Black Helmet and more @ HEX Warehouse (Secret Location)

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This month’s about raves in warehouses, yes. We’re starting to like it more and more. This time, it’s the HEX guys who have booked a 100% industrial environment with almost 100 years of history. There, our imagination can fly free in a high, diaphanous and dark space, with an infernal sound system and a line-up starring P.E.A.R.L., Under Black Helmet and, above all, Freddy K. The latter will give us 3 hours of high-speeded techno music in the morning. Tempting?

When: Saturday, October 12th
Where: Secret Location
Lineup: Freddy K, P.E.A.R.L., Under Black Helmet, PØLI and Lorenzo Raganzini



3. Brodinski, Mano Le Tough and more @ Nitsa Club (Sala Apolo)

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Young Brodinski has already made a name for himself. He’s one of the great talents of the French techno scene and a regular on labels like Mental Groove, Kitsuné or Boysnoize Records. He’ll be in charge of turning Nitsa upside down, while downstairs in Astin, the Berlin-based Irishman Mano Le Tough will make us fall in love again after the magical session he starred at DGTL Barcelona in August.

When: Friday, October 11th
Where: Sala Apolo
Lineup: Brodinski, Infierno DJs, Mano Le Tough, Sevensol and Oma Totem



2. Damian Lazarus and more @ Locked (INPUT High Fidelity Dance Club)

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What shall we now say of Damian Lazarus that you don’t already know? This British selector owns Crosstown Rebels, although, in reality, their sessions are quite far from the mainstream and the big-room tones to embrace rhythms, sounds and cadences much more psychedelic, esoteric and voluntarily out of tune. To dance to Damian Lazarus is to allow oneself to be captivated by a complete sensory introspection. Close your eyes, surrender to him and let him take you for a walk.

When: Friday, October 18th
Where: INPUT High Fidelity Dance Club
Lineup: Damian Lazarus, Gerard Bauza and Pulp



1. Richie Hawtin and more @ Sight (Pacha Barcelona)

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Richie is in town, fellas! The creator and leader of Minus, the one who devised the revolutionary MODEL1 mixer, the one who established the new minimal techno genre, spread it all over the world and, even today, continues squeezing it as a reference. Nobody has been able to imitate him. His last visits to Barcelona have been to present his new audiovisual show CLOSE at Sónar, first, and at Primavera Sound, later, but we really wanted to dance to him again in a club format, in a DJ set format. The day has finally arrived!

When: Sunday, October 20th
Where: Pacha Barcelona
Lineup: Richie Hawtin and Fabio Florido



(Cover Image: © Tyler Hendy from Pexels)


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