
Laughing gas sales up by 400% in the Netherlands

By Fran Escudero

August 23, 2017

Balloons, whippers, laughing gas…. Everyone that has been to a big outdoor festival has seen someone walking around selling them, right? It has become extremely popular over the last couple of years and growth does not seem to stop here.

In the Netherlands, nitrous oxide has become so popular that the use of this “drug” has seen a 400 % rise in sales over the last two years. The use of nitrous oxide is more common than ever. Not only among outcasts, but usage is also seen in 12-16 year old kids.

A recent law change made laughing gas no longer classified as a medicine therefore a lot of companies can now sell the gas, even on online stores.

As far as we know, the risks of nitrous oxide do not appear to be very high, and the number of reported acute health incidents after using nitrous oxide are extremely low. Users can experience oxygen deficiency, that may develop in the brain causing dizzines and fainting can occur.

In the case of chronic use (months or even years of intense use) of nitrous oxide, a deficiency of vitamin B12 occurs; leading to anemia and neurological disturbances.

There is still insufficient view on the different user groups. It is also unknown what the consequences of repeatedly short-term oxygen deficiency at a young age are. Further research (conducted by the Trimbos Institute 2017) will potentially provide more handles for harm reduction, prevention and obviously enforcement.