
Hivernacle confirms three parties this Autumn

By Daniela Gálan

September 22, 2017

HIVERNACLE POP UP CLUB  comes back to Barcelona after making its debut last year at the same place, a glassy space full of herbage where visuals and good sound will play a key role at the amazing location of Plaza mayor de Barcelona.

Hivernacle just announced they will throw three parties taking place on October 28. November 18 and December 5. The complete line up includes acts of Derrick May, John Digweed, Mind Against and Dj Kozeamong many others.

The team behind is the same than the one in Brunch-in, who attempt to continue their success of Brunch -In The Park with this Autumn concept.

Brunch -In The Park celebrated the last party last Sunday, selling more than 100.000 tickets for the whole season.

Here the complete program:

Saturday 28 of October Derrick May + Eduardo de la Calle + Nastia + Bloody Mary + IVA + Fede Zerdan

Saturday 18 of November. Life and Death Showcase DJ Tennis + John Digweed + Pachanga Boys + Marvin & Guy + The/Das (live) + Margot + MLiR + Discos Paradiso Crew

Tuesday 5 de December Mind Against + DJ Koze + Gui Boratto + Saoirse + Architectural + Rubén Seoane