
Is Aphex collaborating with Jlin?

By Lucia Greco

July 10, 2017

It seems like that Alphex Twin may have collaborated with the most prominent female producer and electronic musician of the moment, Jlin. Indeed, lately many Reddit users have been speculating that the 9-minute track played during Barcelona’s Primavera Sound by Richard D. James seems to contain segments of Jlin’s track, indicating so a potential collaborative project. However, it could simply be nothing more than a reworked track already included in Mike Paradina’s recent ‘An Hour of Jlin’ mix by Bleep. In the album, this track was published with the title ‘Jlin and Unknown’.

Check out the video of the new Alphex Twin’s track at Primavera Sound and take a look at Jlin’s version below around the 54:12 mark. Mystery solved?