10 Pre-Drinking Games You Need To Know To Be The Life Of the Party

Drinking games are an age-old cultural ritual designed to both accelerate and the drinking process and offer some much needed variety to your drinking routine. Here we’ve rounded up 10 simple yet highly entertaining drinking games to get your next night out started properly. Enjoy!

flip cup

Flip Cup

Materials Required: Plastic cups, a table, alcohol

Rules: Form 2 teams of 2-4 people, one on each side of the table. Line up plastic Solo cups along each side of a rectangular table so that each side has the same number of cups. Players take turn drinking the beer in their cup, then flipping the empty cup on the edge of the table until it lands perfectly upside down on the tabletop. The first team to finish all of their cups and flipping them upside down are the winners.

T rex arms

T-Rex Arms

Materials Required: Arms, a drink

Rules: Whenever you go to drink, you have to lock your elbows in at your sides so that you have T-Rex arms. If you forget, you drink again.

Never Have I Ever

Materials Required: A past full of questionable life choices

Rules: The verbal game is started with the players getting into a circle. Then, the first player says a simple statement starting with “Never have I ever”. Anyone who at some point in their lives has done the action that the first player says, must drink.

would you rather
Photo by Woody Woods via the Would You Rather? blog http://woodyrather.tumblr.com/

Would You Rather?

Materials Required: A cruel sense of imagination

Rules: Would you rather works on a voting system, and whoever is in the minority has to drink. One person in the group will pose an ultimatum, for example, “Would you rather: a) lose all of your hair, or b) be really hairy?”. All players should write down their answer on a piece of paper. Once everyone has decided, answers are revealed simultaneously. If there are five players and three said that they would rather be really hairy, then the players who chose losing all of their hair have to drink a pre-agreed amount. Play continues as the next player poses his/her own ‘Would you rather’ question. Get some ideas for questions here.

brown paper bag

Bite The Bag

Materials Required: Paper bag

Rules: Place a brown paper bag on the floor. A player must reach down and pick it up with their mouth. The only thing that is allowed to touch the floor is your feet, and the only thing that is allowed to touch the bag is your mouth. If someone fails they must take a shot or chug a beer. After every round, cut off an inch from the top of the bag and play again. This game is like limbo in reverse. How low can you go?


Materials Required: A basic understanding of what a question is.

Rules: The game starts with a player asking anyone a question. This player then asks anyone else a question. This process continues until someone fails to ask a question. This person then drinks. Questions should be as absurd and vulgar as possible to trip up other players into either laughing or answering the question.


Materials Required: Math

Rules: Arrange players in a circle and choose someone to start. This person will say “one”. The next person (on the left or right, doesn’t matter) says “two” and so on, counting up. When someone hits one of the following numbers, they must say “buzz” instead of the number, and then the direction of the circle reverses:

Any number with a seven in it (7, 17, 27 etc)
Any multiple of seven (7, 14, 21 etc)
And finally, any double digit (11, 22, 33 etc)
Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, buzz, 8, 9 10, buzz, 12, 13, buzz, etc.

If someone messes up, then everyone drinks! The game is meant to go fast, so pausing for too long counts as messing up.

Russian Roulette

Materials Required: Shot glasses, water, clear alcohol

Rules: Russian roulette is a drinking game based on the traditional deadly gun-and-bullet version, but in this version the gun and the bullet are gone. They are replaced by a plate with six vodka glasses on it. The gun is represented by the plate itself and the bullet is one of the glasses which is filled with vodka (or any other drink to fit any taste). The other 5 glasses are filled with water and represent the gun’s chambers.

The first player chooses a glass and then the rest of the players try the different glasses in a clockwise manner. If there is water in the glass, the player says “Click” and puts the empty glass on the plate. If the glass is filled with vodka, the player says “Bang” reproducing the sound of the shooting gun. The game continues until the players are unable to consume more alcohol and everybody drops out except one.

no teeth

No Teeth

Materials Required: None

Rules: As the title suggests, showing your teeth in any form is forbidden and is punishable by drinking. If you laugh, you can’t show your teeth! It looks hilarious to everyone else and before you know it everyone is laughing while tucking their lips over their teeth.

Flip, Sip or Strip

Materials Required: Coin, Clothing

Rules: Flip a coin and call heads or tails whilst it is still in the air. If you guess right, you can either pass the coin to your right or you can choose to flip again. Another successful guess lets you either flip again pass the coin to anyone of your choosing. However, any wrong guess means that you must pass the coin to your left and either take a drink OR take one article of clothing off (anything that is a pair – such as socks- counts as one item). If you guess right 3 times in a row, you may retrieve an article of clothing and put it back on.

Did we miss your favourite drinking game? Have something to add? Tell us in the comments!


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