The night was young, and there was only one place to be in Valencia… LA3. The club was already jumping when I arrived, the queue was buzzing with excitement. One girl was sporting a shirt captioned ‘Take me drunk, I’m home’. I feel like this summed up the experience I was about to have at this party that I’ve heard so much about.
The WOW party is a regular thing here at LA3, and it’s notorious for its quirky themes and straight-up madness. My first mission was to buy a couple of Jágerbombs and check out what the club had to offer. This venue has been named the hub of Valencian nightlife, and I could see why. Huge dance floors, countless bars, people of all tastes milling in and out of view. To my left, stood a guy with a neon penis drawn on his face. So naturally, I decided to ask him what to expect.
“I can’t even begin to explain.” he said. “Let’s just say you won’t be telling your parents about tonight”
I bought myself another cocktail, to only have it almost knocked out of my hand by an inflatable boat that was making its way around the crowd. The dancefloor was rammed with people jumping about to a classic Crystal Fighters tune, and the smell of weed was definitely in the air. An Xceed rep stopped me suddenly to shoot a couple of shots straight into my mouth, from a water pistol full of vodka! Had I have swayed an inch, he probably would have blinded me.
The smaller room was rammed full of deliriously happy party people, waving their arms around to the buzz of progressive house music. A pair of girls saw me standing alone, and gestured for me to join them. They offered me one of the many beers they were hoarding, and I asked them about their WOW experiences.
“Everything is always crazy at these parties!” Girl 1 exclaimed. “Last time I left early as my friends wanted to go and see Jamie Jones who was DJ’ing at another club, but I ended up back here because the party was better.”
“Last time I was here I had cream sprayed all over me!” Girl 2 added.
Our conversation was cut short by a guy toppling over us, and the crowd erupting. Out of nowhere emerges a dude with a huge tray of vodka jelly shots. Shit was about to go off.
The girls pulled me to my feet and insisted we HAD to do as many of the shots as we could. I managed four before I started to feel nauseous. The people around me managed a LOT more! It was easy to see that WOW parties were not for the faint-hearted party-goers. Then, out came the cream. Dudes weren’t even gaining consent before throwing it all over every female within reach. It was fucking awesome!
Me and my new friends headed back inside the club, only to be attacked by more vodka guns on the dancefloor. The whole club was jumping to a track I didn’t recognize, but it was easy to dance to and frankly, I didn’t fucking care what it was. I was off my tits and loving it. Out of nowhere, the penis face-man from earlier appeared and fired the contents of a fire extinguisher into the dancing crowd.
After a while the smell began to overwhelm me, so I wandered off to find a bathroom. After relieving myself and tactfully edging round a couple engaging in some awkward looking sexual activity in the bathroom, I decided to step outside. My cream-soaked black hair and smudged, black eyes seemingly attracted a group of punk rockers, who offered me a gratuitous toke on their spliff, and asked me how my night was going. I must have said something funny because I remember them hanging around for a while. They didn’t look like techno types, so I asked them why they come to these WOW parties.
“We come to see the carnage” one replied, “The parties are great and it has been a highlight of my erasmus year” he added.
There didn’t seem to be any kind of subcultural segregation at the party. Everyone and anyone came together in desire of a good time, and that’s all that mattered. After sensibly purchasing a Coca-Cola in an attempt to rehydrate, I thought I was safe. But no, the Xceed reps could smell my attempted sobriety from across the room. A girl hurtled towards me and fired Jáger at my face, I took it like a boss. Everyone else was fucking wasted, everything was a blur. The sun was beginning to rise, and it dawned on me that I’d just had one of the craziest nights of my life.
There’s more going on at a WOW party than anyone can explain. You HAVE to go to understand for yourself. You have to experience every single thing happening all at once, it’s truly next level. The best part is that it’s not exclusive to any kind of social trend or group; everyone there was united in a drunken harmony, in aid of a having a fucking good time. LA3 is Valencia’s biggest club, and the whole place is filled with people partying, drinking, dancing and doing absolutely ridiculous things that would not be acceptable at anywhere else. It’s truly something for the Valencia bucket list. This is definitely a party you cannot afford to miss, with the next WOW being on Friday 3rd of February it is vital you get your tickets with Xceed & to make sure you don’t miss any more events happening around Valencia download the Xceed App now!
What happens in WOW stays in WOW!
I wish this was true… 😛
WOW! Best parties I have ever attended ???
Nothing comes close!
Perfect description! Real WOW spirit! And this Friday 22nd once again… I’ll be the one with blue hair!
It looks awesome! Hope I could go some day…
I was lucky enough to hit WOW over Fallas. La3 is dope and the WOW / Xceed team kill this party.
I was lucky enough to hit WOW over Fallas. La3 if dope and the WOW/Xceed team kill this party.
Hahaha. This article is bang on, exactly what happens at your average WOW party. Love it